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What's New???

The dates are out for my 2024 Craft Fairs.


I am attending some new fairs this year and have been invited to Staunton Harold Artisan fair!  I am really excited at attending this fair as they only invite Artisan Artist!! Please see front page for details.


I am also starting beginners craft courses.  These are short courses called 'All that fabric' and will introduce all different types of crafts using fabric (plus a few using other materials). 


The lessons are two hours per week, on Monday afternoons over six weeks and will be base in Weston On Trent Village Hall, starting on 11th March.  This is the Spring session and items relating to Spring will be included.


If you haven't already contact me to book a space as I am nearly full!

Writer's pictureSue Davey

Autumn is here!

September has arrived and Autumn is my favourite season for colours. As a Capricorn, l am under the earth sign so all the warm colours of Autumn make me very happy.

As a crafter l have to be prepared for each season and l have a number of new 'little books' with Autumn themes as well as the popular animal note books. Now the weather is getting colder l can spend more time in my craft room working on my various projects.

I am also working on my Christmas Stock, which will be available shortly. I know money is going to be tight for many families this Christmas - including mine, so l have noticed many people are buying the little books as Christmas presents at my craft fairs and contacting me through Facebook and Instagram.

Don't forget once they are gone that is it, as l only create one of each. Some maybe similar but never the same. If you see a little book that you like, but it has been sold, just contact me and l can make one similar. Or if you would like a book with someone's name or a message just do the same.

It's Autumn, go for walks, kick up leaves in the woods and wonder at the amazing colours. If you live near Shardlow or Weston on Trent l will be at both events and they are both very pretty places to visit.

Happy September 😊

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