City & Guilds Textiles - Levels 1 & 2
I completed my City & Guilds Levels 1 & 2 through Derby Adult Learning. The course covered 12 months and started in 2019/20 for level 1 and 2020/21 for level 2. (even working through COVID for most of level 2!)
For each level I achieved a 'DISTINCTION' which I am extremely proud of!
Here are some of the items I made for my final pieces:
Level 1
Level 2

Our brief was to create a 3d piece, using free motion machine embroidery and some thing that could be worn on the head/neck.
so I created my .....
Dragon Scarf
I love dragons and I have made him with detachable wings (as they are made from netting, wire and free motion machine embroidery)
We also had to create five pieces of work, again using free motion machine embroidery and some of the techniques we had learnt over the course.
The pieces had to be related so I chose 'The Seasons'. As there are only four seasons I have included Christmas as the fifth.
Christmas Tree
This is my 3d Christmas Tree. It is made entirely from free motion machine sewing. I loved working on this piece, as I didn't know what it would turn out like until each section was finished.
It now comes out at Christmas and sits on my mantlepiece.